Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 Day Weekend Fun

       Jon, Nolan and I had a great 3 day weekend. We spent the day at our favorite beach, went on a 6 mile hike, BBQ'd up some steak, and had breakfast at our favorite joint. Jon's back at work now (sigh), and I've got just 5 weeks left at home with my little wonder boy (double sigh). 
Here are some photos from our great weekend.
We L-O-V-E Speedboat Beach.

Nolan got to go on his first real hike. 
6 miles, 3 crazy dogs, 1 sleeping baby, a beautiful sierra lake, and great friends.
And when you hike with an 8 week old, 
that means breastfeeding stops along the way.
Blue wore his backpack.
Someone needed to carry the diapers, burp clothes, and blankets. 
It also means diaper changes on the dirt.

Have I mentioned that Nolan loves tree. 
He happily stares at trees and the light streaming through them. 
I think we may have a future arborist on our hands.

I've been trying and trying to get a good family picture of us. 
Nice attempt, but not quite there yet.
The lovely Millers. 

I carried Nolan half of the trip,
which meant hiking with an 11 lb. munchkin strapped to my chest. 
I'm hoping this gets me one step closer to my weight loss goal.
Nolan was an angel all day. 
He even allowed us to sit and enjoy some beers and burgers after the hike.
Happy Baby + Cold Beers = Two Very Happy Parents. 

After 3 days of playing we've got lots of chores to take care of this week. 
Hope that you guys had a great Labor Day Weekend Too!

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