Wednesday, July 7, 2010

38 Weeks

We're big. We're bad. We're ready to have this baby. Mostly. 
       Yesterday we had our 38 week appointment and things are on track. Last week, I ran into a bit of morning sickness (was not expecting that), had lost a couple of pounds and my blood pressure was a bit raised. I think it had something to do with 90 degree temps and busy days at work. At yesterday's doctors visit we were back on track. Back up a couple of pounds (which I blame on a few too many cupcakes, frozen yogurt, and lots and cheese and bread this holiday weekend) and my blood pressure was great. This week Baby M had slowed down a lot though so they did run a stress test to make sure he was doing okay. He passed and we're thinking his long legs and arms are just a little bit too cramped in there to be doing much. The doctor's guess was that he's coming in a little over 7lbs now. Sounds big enough to me. 

       The list of baby to-do's is getting shorter and shorter. Jon's truck has been transformed into a baby mobile. The baby's clothes and gear have been washed and our hospital bags are now packed. I've got just 2 more days of work before maternity leave kicks in (and the crowd goes wild!). Good ole' nesting does have a hold of me and I've still got some mean deep cleaning that I'm hoping to tackle, as well as a freezer that I'm wanting to stock up with go-to meals. 
        We'll let you know if I all of the sudden have water gushing down my leg or find myself in the grips of labor contractions. Lots of love from Tahoe!

1 comment:

  1. !!!!!!!!!!!So excited I don't know what to say!!! Glad everything checked out, you can rest a little easier now. Looking forward to your maternity leave for you.

    Thinking of you three all the time!

    Lots of love
