Sorry. So so sorry. I know out blog has been lacking in new posts, in a major way, but I was giving myself a little blog breather. I've caught my breath (just a bit!) so I thought it was time for a photo dump and update.
The Milam's are busy. Too busy. Not enjoying life enough busy. We wish we could stop to smell the roses (or play in the snow) a bit more, but we're trying to keep a lot of balls in the air at the moment. Jon is in school 3 days a week and working anywhere from 20-40 hours most weeks on top of that. Throw in lots of reading and studying and his days are full. I've had a busy load at work since the New Year, meaning long weeks and long days. With our schedules, we've just been keep on keep'n on. I have been oh-so-lazy on the taking pictures front (something I need to work on!), but we have a few to share. Here are some images from our neck of the woods.
Our boy is a boy, through and through.
He is growing crazy fast now.
His feet are getting bigger.
His vocabulary is getting bigger.
His personality is getting bigger.
He loves spending time "ouside."
On the rare day off, while he explores
his dad is usually nearby, tinkering.
He just hit the 20-month mark (how-oh-how will he be 2 years old in 4 months!),
and we're very much loving getting to know the kid that he is becoming.
He's our monsty.
He loves his dad more than anything.
He's a lover.
But he's also a biter.
A few weeks ago I scooted out of work for a few hours
and came home to join Nolan and Jon for our annual local Snowfest parade.
One of the perks of our house is that its steps to the main street.
We're looking forward to lots of sunny walks this Summer with
our now very good-on-his-feet toddler.
One of the departments that Jon works for was in the parade,
and we found the truck just at the bottom of our street
(Yes, I'm aware his hair is insane. A week after this photo, his dad gave it a good cut).
In our local parades there is snow moving machinery.
Not sure if this is normal?
Because Nolan only lasts outside for about 15 minutes in the cold and snowy temps,
we've been doing lots of playing inside.
Enter a tent set up in our living room.
This kid loved it.
As in, laid down in it and fell asleep. By himself.
(I personally could eat those little baby boy legs).
This winter has certainly been a light one, as far as snow goes.
This is about as bad as it ever got at our house this winter.
VERY manageable, which we have enjoyed.
This is what our yard looked like on January 8th this year.
Dry as a bone.
Crossed fingers that Spring temps will be here soon!
Our latest big news is that we had a day off. Together. To play. Sans child.
It was amazing.
Jon and I landed ourselves with a Monday off so we
were able to snag some complimentary tickets to Squaw.
We dropped Nolan at daycare (which I had some mothers guilt for),
and headed to the mountain.
We were happy.
Our first day on the mountain in 2 years.
2 years! That's insane.
We live within 25 minutes of about 6 ski resorts, and it's been 2 years!
Needless to say, we had some fun.
The clear weather that was forecasted for the day
ended up being cold and blustery with some snow,
but that didn't really bother us one bit.
We saw some little kiddos skiing and it had us very much looking
forward to getting Nolan out on skis next season.
We even nabbed a very dorky couple photo up top.
Oh, and afterwards.
Afterwards, there were beers and apps at a favorite restaurant,
before we grabbed a brief nap and picked Nolan up.
Beer has never tasted so good.
So that's it.
Nothing earth shattering.
Normal run of the mill life.
But now your caught up!
And maybe I'll do better to keep this blog up.
Crossed fingers!