Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project: Loose the Baby Weight. Wish Me Luck!

       I'm undertaking my next big project. Unfortunately, this one doesn't involve any decorating, sewing projects or painting. This one is far less fun, but hopefully equally as rewarding. This one involves getting moving and back into my pre-baby clothes and this will serve as my accountability diary of sorts. While priority #1 is Nolan and our fam, I believe that a happy mommy leads to a happier baby, so we all win in the end.  
The Goal: 
       To be back in fighting form when I go back to work in 6 weeks. My number one weight frustration since meeting little Nolan has been looking in my closet at lots of pants, and fitting into just a few of them. And when I say "fitting", I mean tight and uncomfortable. Slipping on jeans that are snug and hug in all the wrong places, actually makes me angry. Fuming really. Fall and Winter are just round the corner for us and unless I want to splurge on  a new wardrobe, I need to slim down a bit. Not to mention I have some lovely little gift cards just burning a whole in my wallet and I'm eager to spend them on some gear.  At the moment I'm not sure what size I should be shopping for (insert frown here). Oh, and there's a high likelihood that my gym time will be even more limited and less of a priority once a 40 hour work week gets thrown into the mix, so I'm hoping to lose it while I can. 
The Challenge: 
       To loose about 8lbs. and firm up. And raise a baby. And manage a house. And get some sleep every now and then. On that note, I had intended on beginning this project series last Monday, but a baby and life got in the way. I just couldn't find a free half hour or the creativity to sit down and write this up, so my 7 week project is now a 6 week project.         
       We don't own a scale at our house and in the past few years I've never used numbers to manage my weight, I've just gone by how I felt. However, the doctors office makes you creep onto the scale whenever you visit post delivery, and that ugly little contraption has revealed that I'm about 8 lbs. over my pre-baby weight.
       I forgot to mention that I currently have a very busy husband. As in, he's working lots of hours, volunteering, going to school, and interning. So, I can't always count on him to be at home so that I can head out and burn some calories. 
So, let the games begin. 
Here's the play by play on my big undertaking.
The Strategy:
1) Move Everyday 
       This means long walks, running, or hitting the gym. I use to love my regimented workouts between 5:30 and 7:00 each morning, but that's a thing of the past. The me that use to pop out of bed at 5:00am now finds myself at that hour praying that Nolan will fall back asleep so that I can grab another hour or two of sleep. In my new life sleep trumps gym. So now I have to move when I can. That means if I can grab a half hour after Jon gets home from work or if I can sneak in an extra walk, then that's what I have to do. Unfortunately you can't run with a little buckeroo until 6 months of age (something about their head bobbing along in the stroller), so thats on the back burner for a little while. 

2) Drink Lots of Water
       I can already tell you that I'm currently failing at this. Fail. Fail. Fail. We've all heard that you should drink lots of water (64 oz. to be exact....I think) each day. Its a way to fill up your tummy with good stuff, so that you don't consume extra unneeded calories. 

3) Nix the junk
       For the most part, I enjoy healthy food and I eat healthy about 90% of the time. At home with Nolan all day my daily staples are whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter and banana, Greek yogurt with lots of fruit, wheat germ and flax seed, egg white sandwiches with avocado and tomato, and tuna hummus veggie wraps.  Previously, I've exercised so frequently, that I have for the most part been able to eat what I want. If I wanted a cheese burger, no problem. If a bagel was looking good, go right ahead. With my exercise time much more limited now, I need to counter balance with being more conscious of the food and portions that I'm consuming. 
       The other 10% of my diet can get a little bit messy. Unfortunately, my alter ego loves sweets and I rarely turn down a dessert. Jon and I are guilty at indulging in a bowl (or two) of Moose Tracks ice cream every night religiously. I mean, we can't wait to finish dinner because we know we get to have our favorite frozen treat afterwards. Well, this has been nixed. Ice cream no more. I've got jeans to fit into people. 
       Oh, and I don't know if you've met my husband, but the kid can eat absolutely anything he wants and loose weight while doing it. This means that while we have some delicious treats in the house for him, I need to make sure that I don't indulge. Oh, temptations. 
My Progress:
       I've started sneaking in runs here and there. I'm running for 25-40 minutes when I can. But I can tell you, this body is moving a lot slower then I was pre-baby. Apparently there's a lot of catching up to do after not hitting the pavement for 9 months. The 8-12 mile runs that I was doing last Summer are a distant memory, and I've got a long way to go before I'm back there. I've got my eyes on the San Francisco Marathon next Summer, so I'm using that as an additional motivator. I've also been walking daily for 1-2 hours. I love Tahoe City, but at this point I have walked up and down these streets and paths more times than I wish to count. Luckily Nolan and Blue both make great walking companions.
       I've also made it down to the gym a few times in the past two weeks. Getting to the gym is my biggest challenge. Burning calories is a big priority so I often choose a thirty minute run over lifting weights. I've been tinkering with the idea of bringing Nolan along in his car seat to watch his mama work out, I've just yet to do it. Weight training is extremely important to my plan. Firming up my arms, chest, abs, legs and derriere will make me feel better and look better in my clothes. The few sessions that I've had have definitely made a difference, so I must persist on this one. 
       I've cut out a lot of junk food and I've cut back on putting calorie rich foods like avocado and cheese on my dishes. Breastfeeding gives you a ravenous appetite but luckily that has plateaued so I'm able to keep my hunger in check now. Instead of reaching for some chocolate when I have a sweet craving, I'm now making myself a cup of green tea or eating some fruit. They say that when getting in shape 80% of the magic depends on your nutrition and diet, and only 20% is your work out. So, I'll continue to pay lots of attention to what I'm consuming. 
I've got to go get ready for a walking date with a friend. 
Maybe you have a little weight loss goal of your own? 
If that's the case, maybe this little project will be motivation to you too. 
If so, share your progress and goals people! 
I'll share some tips and my progress along the way. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

3rd Barkday

       This Saturday marked Blue's 3rd Barkday. We've failed to celebrate his birthday in years past, it just always snuck up on us. This year the poor guy deserved a little recognition. The past 7 weeks have been a jolt to his reality. With Nolan running the show now, sometimes he doesn't get his breakfast until 3:00pm and there have been a time or two where he will stalk me in the house in order to tell me that he is out of water. Seriously. He stares me down until I get the hint.
He's the best pooch we could ever ask for. 
And the hardest thing about putting this post together 
was selecting photos. 
We have taken a few hundred too many in his lifetime.
So Bark Jo, Bug, Bugle T Dog, here's to you!

The day that we picked him out.
Okay, Blue picked Jon. 
The day we got to bring him home. 
All wrapped up in a bow.
His first car ride to the beach.
It was love at first sight when his paws hit the sand.

Blue's first day at work with Jon.
He has always loved him some snow.
We have threatened to contact a dog modeling agency 
many a time. I mean, come on, he's a good looking pup. 
 I have dreams of seeing him on a TV commercial, 
eating a bowl of kibble.

We enjoyed some doggie cupcakes to commemorate the occasion. 
Blue even got himself a few frosting-less ones. 
He's had us wrapped around his paws from day one. 
Happy 3rd Barkday Blue!

Friday, August 27, 2010

6 Weeks

       This week we celebrated Nolan's 6 week birthday and it's already been a week full of exciting milestones (well, exciting for new parents).  On the night of his birthday, the little champ slept through the night for the first time. That means this mama had uninterrupted sleep from 10:15pm to 5:00am. Praise. The. Lord. Just as I had guessed,  it was more of a fluke than anything, as the feat has yet to be repeated. But it's progress people. PROGRESS. He's also made the connection between hand and mouth and is so close to figuring out how to suck on his thumb. We're also getting lots of eye contact and smiles out of him now.
       Week 5 was a bumpy one for us; Jon described it as humbling. While we had family in town and got to do so many fun things together, colic also reared its ugly head and our peaceful little baby showed us that he's got lungs. And the strength to cry for hours. I think we're past the worst of it (knock on wood), but he's still challenging us each evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed thats its just a phase... we"ll see
Here's some shots from our 6 week photo shoot.

Thanks so much to Aunt Sue, who handmade this awesome little hat of his. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Babs & Rebecca Take Tahoe, Part II

       And so the week continued...

Nothing says summer in Tahoe better than lunch 
on the deck at Sunnyside.

Gorgeous right?

We made the drive down to Emerald Bay for some photo ops too. 

Just slightly wind blown.
And we discovered a new favorite beach. 
Not sure how this spot eluded us for three years, 
but we've found it and love it. 

Unfortunately, little Nolan isn't yet allowed to bask in the sun, 
so we kept him buried in his stroller.
Soon kiddo, you can enjoy the Tahoe beaches too.
On their last night in town Jon's mom treated us to an 
amazing farewell dinner on the lake.

It was a great week and we can't wait until their next visit.
Got to run...there's a baby crying. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Babs & Rebecca Take Tahoe, Part I

       Last week we were blessed to have Grandma Babs and Aunt Rebecca roll into town to stay with us for a week. It was their first time meeting Nolan and their first visit to Tahoe in sunny weather (they were here for our wedding two years ago during some unfortunate fall weather). It was a week chalked full of beach time and meals at our favorite restaurants. But alas, family has departed, Jon is back at work, and Nolan and I are left to spend our days quietly at home again. Which means, I have some time to catch up on some must needed blogging. Because a picture says a thousand words, I'll let them do the talking. Away, we go.

Here's Grandma Babs meeting Nolan for the first time.
Dad and Nolan, out at the park.
Having breakfast at our favorite heart-stopping, gut-busting spot.
Spending some time at the beach. 

The lake temperature has been so nice this year. 
We all took a dip.
We even had ourselves a little diaper change on the sand. 
We were treated to many a meal by Grandma Babs,
 one being burgers and beer on the river.
The kids.
Then we took Nolan on his first mini-hike up to Eagle Rock. 
(Thats Nolan in the carrier, hanging out on Jonny's chest)

Last time we were here, Jon was down on bended knee. 
More to share soon, 
including our day trip to Emerald Bay, 
Nolan on a dirt bike, 
us at a baby party, 
and our adventures in Lakes Basin. 
Stay tuned!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Purge and Play

       Uh-oh. I'm guilty. I know this post is a bit delayed. Chalk it up to new motherhood, a crying infant (not that our perfect baby ever cries) and house projects. We spent last week cleaning the house (and this involved me renting a carpet shampooer and shampooing the rugs) and purging our junk. For some reason we had been holding onto scarves we've never worn, old candlesticks, and pots that we've since upgraded, just to name a few. But, our clutter it is no more. There are some lucky thrift store hunters that will soon have the pleasure of diving into our no longer needed treasures. 
       And now, with our freshly cleaned house, we've got house guests. Grandma Babs and Aunt Rebecca are in town and we've been playing too much to post. Here's a bit of a teaser. 
I promise I'll have more to share next week.
Including my newest undertaking (I'll start on Monday, I promise):
Project: Loose the Baby Weight

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

4 Weeks Old

       Nolan's first four weeks of life have flown by. I'm afraid that before I know it, I'll go to pick him up in the morning and he'll be telling me what kind of cereal he wants for breakfast. He's been gaining weight and getting bigger day by day. All the clothes that were too big for him when we brought him home from the hospital now fit. Sigh.  Grandma Babs and Aunt Rebecca are coming out to meet him next week, and we can't wait. Maybe Jon and I will even get out of the house for a mini-date while they're here. A glass of wine  on the lake with the hubs sounds pretty divine.
       Jon and I dodged a bit of a bullet this week. We were going to take Nolan on his first camping trip on Saturday at a small lake near our house. We decided against it because it's getting chilly here at night (in the 30's) and I didn't know how fun a crying baby and a tent would be. That night a Summer storm rolled across the lake and the entire area was hit with wind, thunder, lightning, and rain.  Needless to say, we were very content to be at home with our newborn, instead of out in the woods, all wet.
       Here are some photos from our four week photo shoot.  
Both Nolan and Blue cooperated beautifully. 
I promise, I didn't even pose Blue- 
he just laid down right near his bro.