Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project Nursery: Recycle, Reuse and Paint

       Jon and I are always looking for low cost alternatives. A few months we came across a collection of metal letters that no longer had a use. When we started plans on the nursery I knew I wanted to incorporate them.        
Here they are, pre-paint

Up close, they clearly needed some cleaning up

I was eager to get started on them
       Step one was to remove the 2" screws in the back of the letters. Next, I gave them a good wipe down and cleaning to prepare them for paint. I picked up five different shades of green from Michaels at .59 each, and sat down to get to work. 

Two coats of paint later, I have some beauties

       For $2.95, I now have some decor for baby Milam's wall. Next up, I just have to get Jon to hang them. 

Project Nursery: Making room for baby

       Finding out that there was a baby on the way, my wheels started spinning almost immediately on nursery plans. Color schemes floated thru my mind and I scoured baby blogs for design inspiration. The obvious choice for a nursery space is a convenient little nook of a room, located right next door to our gigantic (I kid) master bedroom. Having used this little nook as a den, for watching movies and catching up on our news before work, there was some re-arranging and transforming that needed to be done.
       And here arises nursery challenge #1. Being the very savvy Milams that we are, a year ago, when we moved in, we purchased ourself a nice little couch at a great deal from World Market. We brought it home, proud of our bargain find, and ripped it from its very large box. Our friends Tony and Lindy looked on, very generously volunteering to help us move it upstairs and into place. Here's Tony and the dang couch. 
       After 2 hours of frustrated attempts, we were finally able to squeeze the sofa into place.
       8 months later, with baby on the way, it was time to nudge the couch out of the way to make room for our baby boy's crib. We thought we would spare Tony and Lindy the pain and agony this time around, and have a go at it ourselves. Oh, the tests that we put marriage thru.
After about 4 hours of grunting and huffing, Jonny was making some progress. Here he is, as I looked on.
       5 hours later, after removing 2 door frames and a light switch, we were (ok, Jon) able to squeeze it into our narrow stairway and eventually down the stairs. Who knew Jon was so handy!

And so nursery decorating begins...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Come one, come all.

We've jumped on the bandwagon. We are now bloggers. blonde+tall is just a little glance into what's going on into the Milam household. I hope you enjoy and maybe learn a little about us along the way. Giggity.